BRIO FRESH Bistrita - Vopsire electrostatica
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  • vopsire electrostatica
  • vopsitorie electrostatica
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  • vopsire in camp electrostatic
  • vopsire electrostatica
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Vopsire electrostatica cu pulberi
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Vopsire electrostatica cu lichide
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Echipamente Hot Melt
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11 Octombrie - Ziua Fondatorilor Nordson
A message from President and CEO Mike Hilton regarding Nordson Founders’ Day and 60 Years of Innovation.
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Nordson Prodigy® HDLV® Manual Gun castiga premiul Ringier Technology Innovation Award 2013
Nordson Corporation a castigat recent premiul Ringier Technology Innovation Award 2013, considerat drept cel mai important premiu al industriei de vopsire din China.
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Nordson in presa americana
Nordson a construit o afacere de succes cu 14 unitati de productie si peste 4.000 de angajati la nivel mondial.
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Noul pistol manual de vopsire Encore LT
Cea mai ridicata eficienta de transfer la prima trecere, extrem de usor si bine echilibrat, pentru rezultate superioare in toate necesitatile de vopsire electrostatica cu pulberi.
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Noutatea si inovatia acestei tehnologii este remarcata de actualii nostri clienti. Datorita beneficiilor ei, Prodigy isi gaseste noi utilizatori in Romania, in special printre firmele care doresc performantele unei tehnologii de ultima generatie.
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Brio Fresh a derulat un proiect de linie de vopsire cu pulberi in camp electrostatic in Sankt Petersburg, Rusia. Contractul a implicat toate departamentele Brio Fresh si consta in proiectarea, productia si montajul unei linii complexe de vopsire cu pulberi in vechiul oras imperial.
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Link-uri utile - Brio Fresh Bistrita
Nordson Romania
Conveioare / Benzi transportoare
Aparate de masura in vopsitorie
Elemente de mascare in vopsitorie
Echipamente Hot Melt
Duze pulverizare
Pistoale de vopsit
11 Octombrie - Ziua Fondatorilor Nordson
09 octombrie 2014

A message from President and CEO Mike Hilton regarding Nordson Founders’ Day and 60 Years of Innovation

On October 11, 60 years ago, Walter Nord and his two sons, Eric and Evan Nord, officially founded Nordson as a stand-alone corporation.  To commemorate this milestone, I am pleased to officially designate October 11 as “Nordson Founders Day”, a day on which we recognize the importance of innovation to Nordson’s success – past, present and future. 

Over the past four years, I have highlighted the need to revitalize innovation at Nordson.  We have committed more dollars to innovation, redirected focus to technology and product development, and launched the nVision process to accelerate success in the market.  This effort is really all about following the Nords’ lead.

Innovation occupied a prominent place in the Nords’ philosophy.  They were engineers who built the company on winning products and patented technologies, a legacy which continues today.  But their belief in new and better ways of doing things extended far beyond that. They brought or encouraged innovative approaches in every aspect of their company – from manufacturing to customer service, to philanthropy and employee development. They also recognized the importance of being global long before others did. 

The Nords also used acquisitions as a source of innovation. 

They understood the best ideas didn’t always have to be home grown. 

The founders of the many businesses acquired by Nordson over the years often shared our commitment to innovation, adding to our rich history and helping build Nordson into the market leading company it is today. 

To commemorate this first Founders Day, we have been distributing a series of e-mails and flyers recognizing innovative moments from Nordson’s history. 

I encourage you to take a moment to review these communications and reflect on innovation in your own business, location and function.  

In addition, we are making an innovation presentation available to all of our locations worldwide. 

I am encouraging the leadership of all Nordson businesses to view, discuss or post this presentation sometime shortly before or after Saturday October 11 so that all employees can better understand the importance of innovation at Nordson.  

Over the next year, we plan to enhance some of our current innovation recognition programs. 

We also plan to review how we include innovation within the annual performance review process.

In the near term, there are some specific actions that I ask all of you to do:

• Understand that innovation is not limited to products

• Seek to innovate in your function and area of the company

• Learn from others – inside and outside of Nordson

• Share creative best practices

• Encourage, recognize and celebrate innovation

With your help, we look forward to establishing Founders Day as an annual celebration of innovation throughout the company.  

Remember that innovation begins with you, and we all have something to contribute.  Thank you.

Sisteme manuale de vopsire

Sistemele manuale de vopsire cu pulberi in camp electrostatic sunt destinate vopsirii manuale atat a pieselor de mici dimensiuni cat si a celor de mari dimensiuni, dar in serii de productie reduse.

sisteme manuale de vopsire electrostatica

Pistoale automate de vopsire

Vopsirea cu pulberi este redefinita prin aceste pistoale automate de vopsire cu tehnologie HDLV® (densitate inalta, viteza redusa) pentru transportul pulberilor dense si o dispersie de precizie.
pistoale automate de vopsire electrostatica

Linii automate de vopsire

Liniile conveiorizate de vopsire cu pulberi in camp electrostatic sunt echipamente complet echipate, cu o productivitate ridicata, viteza de deplasare a conveiorului fiind cuprinsa intre 1,5 m/min si 5 m/min.
linii de vopsire electrostatica

Vopsire electrostatica cu lichide

Cabinele de vopsire pentru aplicarea vopselelor lichide sau bazate pe apa sau pe solventi sunt proiectate pentru tratarea suprafetelor componentelor de mari dimensiuni sau a produselor complete.
vopsire electrostatica cu lichide
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